Tuesday, January 29, 2008

We Can't Pay for Financial Literacy?

A bill has been introduced at the Capitol to bring financial literacy to Colorado Schools. The goal of the bill is to help teach our children about mortgages , personal finances, savings, budgeting and other financial lessons.

What a great idea!!! Let's provide our children with the information and knowledge they need so they don't make the same mistakes we did. We will show them why it's important to save and invest their money, and then HOW TO DO IT. We will teach them why it's not wise to spend your all you money on things you don't need, why it's no smart to max out your credit cards, and why you don't spend more money than you make.

One problem, WE don't want to PAY for it. This new bill would cost about $550,000 to implement in schools around the state. I don't understand how the State of Colorado can't pay for a bill that will save 100 times that in the years to come. Our state spends over $13 million dollars a year for education and recreation programs for PRISONERS in our state. I have an idea, let's spend $550,000 less on convicted felons and use that money for our children.

There was no vote taken on the bill yesterday and funding options will be discussed before a vote on Thursday (1/31/08). Hopefully, they do the right thing.

Prosperity Financial - Your Mortgage Manager
Lafayette, Colorado

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