Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Paying For Other's Mistakes...

You came home after a hard day at work and open your pay check, and you are astonished, upset, angry when you see how much of your check has been taken my Uncle Sam. If you are still mad, STOP READING NOW!!!

Although most American home owner's made a conscious effort to purchase a house within their budget, obtain a loan that would fit their financial plan, and even struggled to make their payments in hard times, they now will be forced to help those who didn't. Many Americans don't know that their hard earned money and taxes they pay will be used to help bailout homeowners who made bad choices and may lose their home in foreclosures. The Federal Government has already allocated billions of dollars to bailout investment banks that made poor decisions and now there is legislation that is gaining popularity to bailout homeowners, AT OUR COST!!!

Politicians are quick to note that some of these homeowners were victims of fraud, and will share personal stories of these people to help them pass these bills. The fact is, a majority of these people made poor financial decisions and either purchased more house than they could afford or gambled with ARM loans and didn't follow up and refinance their house before the loan adjusted or over spent on materialistic items (like new cars, boats, electronics) and now can't make their mortage payment. And now, we have to pay for their mistakes and bail them out.

When will we as society start holding people responsible for their mistakes and make them accept the consequences of their actions??? If I don't manage my business correctly and I'm forced to close my doors the government is not going to come and save me, nor do I expect them or want them to. I understand and fully support helping those who are less fortunate, but I'm responsible for my failures and the consequences, as well as, my success and prosperity. I shouldn't have to bare the burden of others mistakes nor should I share in their prosperity. But I guess that is what our nation is becoming or already has become?

Prosperity Financial - Your Mortgage Manger

Say it Ain't so, Joe

Lenders are once over reacting and creating another mortgage mess. This time they are eliminating programs for qualified borrowers making it tougher for people to purchase or even keep their homes.

Every day I hear of new guidelines or lenders eliminating products eliminating another set of borrowers from purchasing or refinancing their house. There are very few lenders offering 100% LTV loans even if you have great credit, income, and assets it's a lot harder to obtain financing then it was a few months ago.

Self-employed borrowers options to obtain financing is also becoming scarce. A lot of self-employed borrowers typically use stated income loans because their tax returns do accurately reflect their cash flow. However, many lenders are eliminating their conforming stated income programs making it tough or impossible for them to obtain financing. If they can obtain financing the loan amount for which they will be approved will be much lower than before.

These two changes are going to eliminate a lot of borrowers from the real estate market and will also probably help increase the foreclosure numbers around the nation. There are some alternatives for borrowers, such as FHA and others but they will not be able to help a lot of these people. Not good for the real estate market and not good for the value of your house.

Why are lenders over reacting? There are a few reasons, supply and demand on the secondary market and mortgage insurance companies are facing problems with their current portfolio of loans that they insured over the last few years.

If you need help navigating through mortgage chaos to find financing that meets your financial needs, please call and we would be happy to help you or guide you in the right direction.

Prosperity Financial - Your Mortgage Manager

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Mortgage Brokers Hitting the Books

Colorado has announced that mortgage brokers licensed to do business in the State of Colorado will have to complete 40 hours of education by the end of 2008. Until now, any one that was registered/licensed could originate mortgage loans with little or no knowledge of the industry.

This is great for the industry and consumers, as consumers can now be assured their mortgage brokers is knowledgeable about the industry and not some one who was selling cars yesterday. However, I would like to see it go a step further and require all mortgage professionals, even those who work for banks, be required to complete education courses. If we really want to protect consumers we need to make sure every mortgage broker and loan officer is required to complete classes that will provide them with the knowledge to originate mortgage loans.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Are you Trying to Pay Off Your Mortgage?

I'm still surprised with how many people I talk to on a weekly basis that hold paying off their mortgage as one of their main financial goals. My first question is always why? And I never receive a good response.

While our parents and grandparents worked hard every day to pay off their mortgage, this is not the best use of your money in today's market. I know their is a huge sense of pride to own your house free and clear, but your equity in your house is not making money for you.Also there has been a large marketing campaign recently about a new program in the mortgage industry that will help you pay off your mortgage quicker.

However, if you leverage your equity in the house and invest wisely (and conservatively looking for a 6% return), you would not only be able to pay off your mortgage within 30 years but you would also have hundreds of thousands of dollars in liquid assets.

Your mortgage should be a part of your financial plan that allows you to accomplish your financial goals quicker. For more information on how you can be using your mortgage to help you meet your long term financial goals please call us.

Prosperity Financial - Your Mortgage Manager
Lafayette, CO