There is no right answer for every one, however, more lenders are starting to allow clients to purchase a new house after a short sale is completed with NO seasoning requirements. FHA announced this change in guidelines in December of 2009, however lenders still required applicants to wait 2-4 years after a short sale to be eligible for a new mortgage. A majority of lenders still require borrowers to wait, but there are a few lenders that will now let you obtain a new mortgage immediately.
However, there are additional guidelines you must meet to qualify for a new mortgage without waiting at least two years. If you are considering a short sale on your current house and purchasing a new home you must:
- Have no delinquent mortgage payments in the last 12 months and your mortgage must be current at time of closing.
- You can't have any delinquent payments on any installment debts in the last 12 months.
- You can not complete a short sale just to take advantage of the market. You need to be able to show that moving is necessary (increase or decrease in family size, moving to a different geographic area)
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