Why won't it work and what is wrong with the bill?
- To be eligible for the bail out you must have obtained a loan between January 2005 and June of 2007. So if you received a loan prior to January 2005 or after June 2007 you are out of luck.
- To receive help your current lender must be willing to write a portion of your current loan balance, similar to a short sale . If you currently owe $250,000 and your home's value is only $200,000, your current lender will have to write of $70,000.00. Don't get me wrong a lot of lenders will do this, but it's a process and not an easy one. Most consumers will not be able to navigate through the process on their own and very few lenders will be willing to help as it will take a lot of time and very little in compensation.
- The consumer will have to share any appreciation they obtain with the government, up to 100%!!! If the consumer refinances or sales their house with in the 1st year the government would get 100% of the profit. The percentage the government would receive decreases 10% every year there after but is guaranteed to receive at least 50% of the profit regardless when you sale or refinance.
- TIME!!! There will also be a huge back log to obtain approval as all of these loans will have to be manually underwritten. Lenders are already struggling to keep up with current FHA loans that must be manually underwritten and a lot of lenders have placed tight guidelines on FHA loans that they will manually underwrite. I foresee a lot of lenders not offering this new FHA program as they will not be able to handle the workload and/or it will be cost prohibitive.
Not only will the bail out fall short in helping the millions Americans, it has made it tougher for millions of American to purchase a home. The bill will eliminate down payment assistance (DPA) programs that millions of Americans use to help purchase a house AND it raises the the down payment requirements to 3.5%. While I agree with the elimination of DPA this is not the time to do it. We have now cutoff millions of potential home owners ability to purchase a house at time that we are trying to stimulate the housing market. How will this help???
If you are in a house or mortgage that you need to get our of you need to call a mortgage specialist and discuss your options. We will provide a free consultation to review your options and help you develop a plan.