You came home after a hard day at work and open your pay check, and you are astonished, upset, angry when you see how much of your check has been taken my Uncle Sam. If you are still mad, STOP READING NOW!!!
Although most American home owner's made a conscious effort to purchase a house within their budget, obtain a loan that would fit their financial plan, and even struggled to make their payments in hard times, they now will be forced to help those who didn't. Many Americans don't know that their hard earned money and taxes they pay will be used to help bailout homeowners who made bad choices and may lose their home in foreclosures. The Federal Government has already allocated billions of dollars to bailout investment banks that made poor decisions and now there is legislation that is gaining popularity to bailout homeowners, AT OUR COST!!!
Politicians are quick to note that some of these homeowners were victims of fraud, and will share personal stories of these people to help them pass these bills. The fact is, a majority of these people made poor financial decisions and either purchased more house than they could afford or gambled with ARM loans and didn't follow up and refinance their house before the loan adjusted or over spent on materialistic items (like new cars, boats, electronics) and now can't make their mortage payment. And now, we have to pay for their mistakes and bail them out.
When will we as society start holding people responsible for their mistakes and make them accept the consequences of their actions??? If I don't manage my business correctly and I'm forced to close my doors the government is not going to come and save me, nor do I expect them or want them to. I understand and fully support helping those who are less fortunate, but I'm responsible for my failures and the consequences, as well as, my success and prosperity. I shouldn't have to bare the burden of others mistakes nor should I share in their prosperity. But I guess that is what our nation is becoming or already has become?
Prosperity Financial - Your Mortgage Manger